Learn to See Lameness
The local caretaker is usually the first to become aware of lameness. Unfortunately, many lay people are not trained to perceive the presence or significance of subtle abnormal movement(s) displayed by the lame horse. Consequently, only lameness that is obvious, chronic or advanced tends to receive medical attention. The longer a problem is allowed to persist, the greater the chance that it will progress and negatively affect the horse’s performance.
Lame horses relate valuable information through altered movement, which can be considered a form of “sign language” as it is perceived by the adept observer. GetSound® provides its members with direct access to video case studies which highlight the fundamental tools necessary to identify the common visual markers displayed by lame horses. You will learn when and where to look for these markers so as to glean the maximum amount of information possible from your assessments.*
*Available with upgraded account package… COMING SOON!