Rules of Consultation & Professional Conduct

1. The GETSOUND® App by GetSound Animal Health, LLC

The GetSound® app is for professional use only and is to be utilized exclusively within the GetSound® network. Each product is individually registered and licensed for employment by its owner, who must be a certified GetSound® Evaluator. Detection of inappropriate, extraneous or unauthorized use of the app will result in its immediate deactivation.

2.  The DIAGNOSIS of Lameness

The GetSound® platform is designed to provide seamless communication between equine professionals and equestrians for the purpose of viewing animals in motion. As such, the service is intended to facilitate and enhance the visual assessment portion of the examination process. Professionals should avoid making diagnoses based solely on visual observations gleaned through telemedical assessment. Procurement of a diagnosis is accomplished through standard on-site diagnostic techniques including physical examination, flexion testing, local anesthesia, diagnostic imaging, etc. The primary roles of the professional evaluator, therefore, are to assist the client in the recognition of lameness and to provide diagnostic guidance.

  • INCORRECT STATEMENT:  “Your horse has right front fetlock osteoarthritis.”
  • CORRECT STATEMENT:  “Your horse’s gait deficits are consistent with right front limb lameness and may suggest an issue in the lower limb.  I would recommend contacting your primary veterinarian to schedule lameness examination.”

3.  Diagnostic Image Review & Interpretation

Direct interpretation of diagnostic images (e.g. radiographic, ultrasonographic, scintigraphic, endoscopic, MRI, etc.) for clients is considered the practice of veterinary medicine and can only be conducted by licensed veterinarians. Other equine professionals (farriers, trainers, chiropractors, etc.) are not permitted to interpret and report on diagnostic images, unless specifically summoned by a veterinarian for exclusive inter-professional use. Inappropriate interpretation of diagnostic images will be grounds for professional membership resignation.

4.  Professional-to-Professional Conduct

Professional members within the GetSound® network will have the opportunity to unite forces with other professional members for the purpose of providing horse owners with sound guidance. Professional content posted on the site will be moderated for ethical and quality control. Case discussions are encouraged, but must not be confrontational, adversarial or judgmental.  Comments should be focused on the topic-at-hand. Deliberate or suggestive calumny, disparagement or defamation of another professional’s character and/ or work is not permitted within the GetSound® network. Such behavior will be grounds for immediate professional membership resignation.

5.  Consultation & Reporting Turn-Around

As a professional member of the GetSound® network, you agree to perform image review and complete your consultation within the advertised turn-around time-frame. Failure to complete your consultation within the advertised time-frame will result in forfeit of your professional fee, which will be directly refunded to the client. Failure to complete THREE consultations within the advertised time-frame will be grounds for professional membership resignation.